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Benefits of Micro Influencers: Why They’re Essential for Your Brand


Influencer marketing has become a popular strategy for brands of all sizes. By collaborating with individuals with a significant social media following, brands can promote their products and services to a larger audience. While macro and mega-influencers used to be the primary focus for brands, micro-influencers have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their unique benefits. This article explores the benefits of using micro-influencers and how they can help brands achieve their marketing goals.

Who are micro influencers?

Micro-influencers are social media users with a smaller following than macro or mega-influencers. They typically have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. While their following may be smaller than those of macro or mega-influencers, their followers are more engaged and significantly impact their buying decisions. In other words, micro-influencers are a perfect fit for those brands that must create a closer relationship with their customers.

Why are micro influencers important?


One of the most significant benefits of using micro influencers is their cost-effectiveness. They are more affordable than macro or mega-influencers, making them ideal for small and medium-sized businesses with limited marketing budgets. In addition, micro-influencers are also open to negotiating their rates, which can further lower the cost of working with them. Brands can benefit from using micro-influencers’ high engagement rates without breaking the bank.

Higher engagement

Micro-influencers have higher engagement rates compared to macro or mega-influencers. As a result, their followers are more engaged, significantly impacting their buying decisions. In addition, micro-influencers are likelier to have similar followers, making them more interested in the brand or product being promoted. By working with micro-influencers, brands can create a more genuine connection with their target audience. For example, Hubspot found that Instagram users with fewer than 1,000 followers have a like rate of about 8%, while users with 1,000 to 10,000 followers have a like rate of 4%. Users with 10,000 to 100,000 followers have a like rate of 2.4%, and users with over 1 million have a like rate of 1.7%. It’s all in the numbers.


Micro-influencers are known for their authenticity; they’re just more relatable. They promote products or brands they genuinely like or use, and their followers trust their recommendations. As a result, their recommendations are often perceived as more genuine and authentic compared to those of macro or mega-influencers, who are perceived to promote products for monetary gain. Thus, micro-influencers’ authenticity creates a better sense of trust between the brand and the audience. For example, one study found that 70% of consumers are more likely to be influenced by a non-celebrity blogger's recommendation than a celebrity's.


Micro-influencers often have a specific niche or area of interest, making them ideal for brands targeting a particular audience. By working with micro-influencers, brands can create more targeted and relevant content that resonates with their followers. For example, a makeup brand could collaborate with a micro-influencer specializing in makeup tutorials, or a fitness brand could partner with a micro-influencer focusing on healthy living. Moreover, micro-influencers' specialized niches provide their followers with in-depth knowledge and recommendations.

Better ROI

Micro-influencers can yield a better return on investment (ROI) than macro or mega-influencers. This is because they have smaller audiences, but their followers are more engaged, so that they can generate more conversions and sales. Micro-influencers are also more likely to promote a brand or product for an extended period, increasing brand awareness and sales. They’re also more likely to more directly integrate a brand’s product and its use into their content. This means brands can get more value for their money by working with micro-influencers. For example, a study by HelloSociety found that micro-influencers are 6.7 times more efficient per engagement than influencers with more significant followings.

Increased reach

While micro-influencers may have a smaller following than macro-influencers, they can still reach many people. This is because micro-influencer followers are often more engaged and likely to share content with their followers. Thus, by working with micro-influencers, brands can reach a larger audience than they would when working with a macro-influencer.

How to find micro influencers

Use influencer marketing platforms.

There are several influencer marketing platforms available that can help brands find micro-influencers. These platforms typically allow brands to search for influencers based on demographics, interests, and engagement rates. Examples of influencer marketing platforms include AspireIQ, Upfluence, and Tribe Group. These platforms give brands a more structured approach to selecting the right micro-influencers. However, brands should remember that many micro-influencers do not use these platforms, so they might need other methods to find them.

Conduct manual searches

Brands can also conduct manual searches to find micro-influencers. For example, they can search for hashtags relevant to their industry or product and look for posts with high engagement rates. They can also search for bloggers or vloggers who specialize in their industry or product and reach out to them directly. This approach allows brands to have more personalized and direct communication with micro-influencers. However, this approach can be time-consuming and impossible for brands with limited resources.

Work with agencies

Brands can also work with influencer marketing agencies specializing in finding and working with micro-influencers. These agencies have access to a vast network of micro-influencers and can help brands find the right influencers for their campaign. By working with agencies, brands can have a more efficient and specialized approach to finding the right micro-influencers. However, working with agencies can be costly, and brands should carefully consider their budget before working with one.

Examples of successful micro-influencer campaigns

Daniel Wellington

Daniel Wellington is a watch brand that successfully used micro-influencers to promote its products. They partnered with Instagram influencers who had a small following but were passionate about fashion and lifestyle. The influencers created posts showcasing the watches, and the brand saw a significant sales and awareness increase. This campaign is an excellent example of how micro-influencers can generate substantial results for brands.


HelloFresh is a meal kit delivery service that has partnered with micro-influencers to promote its service. They worked with influencers who shared a passion for cooking and healthy eating, resulting in high engagement and conversions. The campaign was so successful that HelloFresh continued to work with micro-influencers on future campaigns. This is an excellent example of how micro-influencers can create targeted and relevant content that resonates with their followers.


Glossier is a beauty brand that collaborated with micro-influencers to promote its products. They worked with influencers who had a small following but were passionate about skincare and makeup. The campaign increased brand awareness and sales, and Glossier continued working with micro-influencers on future campaigns. This campaign shows how micro-influencers' authenticity can create a better sense of trust with the audience and generate significant results.

Best practices for working with micro influencers

Be clear about expectations.

When working with micro-influencers, it's important to be clear about expectations. Brands should clearly outline the scope of work, timeline, compensation, and other requirements. This helps ensure that both parties are on the same page and reduces the risk of misunderstandings. By being clear about expectations, brands can avoid potential issues and create a more productive collaboration with the micro-influencers.

Provide creative freedom

Micro-influencers are known for their authenticity, so giving them creative freedom when promoting a brand or product is essential. They know more than you know about what resonates with their audiences. Therefore, brands should provide guidelines but allow influencers to put their spin on the content to make it more genuine and engaging. By giving creative freedom, brands can create more authentic and engaging content that resonates with their followers.

Establish a long-term relationship.

Establishing a long-term relationship with micro influencers can lead to better results. Brands can work with influencers on multiple campaigns, creating a sense of consistency, loyalty, and trust. This can increase brand awareness, higher engagement, and better ROI. By establishing a long-term relationship, brands can create a more stable and productive collaboration with micro-influencers.

Monitor and measure results.

Brands should monitor and measure the results of their micro-influencer campaigns. This helps them determine what worked and didn't and adjust their strategy accordingly. Brands can track metrics like engagement rates, clicks, conversions, and sales to determine the campaign's success. By monitoring and measuring results, brands can optimize their campaigns and improve their ROI over time.

Final Thoughts

So, why are micro influencers important? They offer niche audience reach, increase engagement, and generate better ROI. They are cost-effective, authentic, and niche-specific, making them an ideal option for small and medium-sized businesses. By following best practices and working with the right influencers, brands can create successful micro-influencer campaigns that drive sales and increase brand awareness. In addition, brands need to see micro-influencers as an opportunity to connect with their audience more genuinely and efficiently. Micro-influencers are an excellent option for brands looking to create an authentic connection with their target audience, generate better ROI, and create more targeted and relevant content. By following best practices and working with the right influencers, brands can create successful micro-influencer campaigns that drive sales and increase brand awareness and loyalty.